NAXIS Brand Supporter


Our employees are our resources.
Help us expand our business while growing together with colleagues.

Who we are looking for

* People with big dreams and high aspirations, who are boldly take on new challenges

* Spirited people with global perspectives who want to compete on the world stage

* People who understand objectives and methods and can function autonomously

* People who excel at communicating and sharing information with all kinds of people

* People who are interested in how the world is changing, and who want to change the world

Trust creates a richer future.

In business, it is essential to put yourself in other peoples’ shoes and understand where they are coming from. Business happens when people connect with each other, and the trust between them creates a richer future.

The company is a stage. Our work provides purpose in life.

Use the stage NAXIS provides to take part in society, express yourself, and experience the excitement of working to create the future.

Supporting individuals

Creativity is the value provided by individuals. Management is the value created by the group.

We aim to be an organization of partners that trust each other and recognize each other’s mutual value.

Help us expand our business together with colleagues.

Flexible ideas and trust create a richer future. Maintain a sense of gratitude, establish your own independence, and use the company as a stage from which you can contribute to society.

Form enthusiastic and excited teams and be true to yourself in your work. When you follow this path, you will draw people to you, establishing bonds and creating the driving power that creates an even more brilliant world.

This is the world we are striving to bring about.

Our system for supporting employees as they take on new challenges

Career improvement model scenario General staff Operations Age 22 to 27 Leader Guidance Age 27 to 32 Manager Management Age 32 to 37 General Manager Upper level management Age 37 and up Operating Officer Upper level management Average age of employees 35 Average age of executive officers 45

Career improvement

We have various systems and mechanisms for matching the changing times and social environment (such as work style reforms and changes in social conditions).

Our career improvement system, which provides support for career development (capability improvement) and offers ideal workplace environments, supports employees and helps improve employee satisfaction.

Future Goal Formulation of business approaches and business plans / Formulation of division policies, etc., sharing of vision Thorough education and awareness-raising regarding division policies, etc. Target achievement management / Formulation of operation plans, etc. Target achievement management Operation implementation, problem solving / Understanding of policies, etc. Target achievement management / Understanding of policies, etc. Autonomy